I Love Public Schools I Love Public Schools

Story By:

Brett Burchett

Paul Eschliman was the first educator who made a large impact on my life. As a 6th-8th grader, I was going through a lot in my life. Paul was the first person to invest intentional time into me and help me find a passion for something, despite my circumstances. At the time, his class did not mean much to me. Little did I know that he would continue following up with me and encouraging me to not only keep singing but to be the best student I could be. He taught me that even when I didn't feel I could measure up in anything I did, music was a thing I could excel at and connect to others with. He taught me that middle school can be enjoyable when you can find a trusted adult to love you and give you encouragement. Most importantly, he taught me the value of public education and the lifelong impact that teachers can have on students with just a little bit of investment. He showed me that it is possible to have a trusted adult in my life...

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