I Love Public Schools I Love Public Schools

Story By:

Tiffiny Widdifield

Brain Break!!

I have never walked into such an amazing classroom!!! Amanda Swift's classroom is the most inviting room I've ever been in. Each student is given choice to drive their education. They are encouraged to discover ways to execute their work that may not be "the way". Each student has a relationship with Mrs. Swift, each FAMILY has a relationship with Mrs. Swift.

Mrs. Swift represents the type of teacher we all aspire to be. She incorporates calming classroom styles with lessons that are so differentiated that the kids don't even know they are. Students are allowed to explore the best learning style for them while still being held accountable for their learning.

Every day Amanda Swift changes lives, lives of her students, lives of her colleagues, lives of families who see themselves and their students growing in leaps and bounds.

For these, and many more, are the reasons she is deserving of this award!

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