Story By:
Beth Ericson
Mental health is something that makes a tremendous impact on learning, and if a child is struggling with mental health concerns, then it can be nearly impossible for them to learn.
The HOPE Program is working to destigmatize mental health issues in our school setting and connecting students and families with the people and resources they need. HOPE Squads are school-based peer support programs that empower students to take action to prevent peers from suicide. The HOPE Program takes a proactive approach to help empower peers and adults to share supports for those who may be in need. The HOPE Squad members at York Public Schools include 10 fifth grade students, 22 6th-8th graders, and 34 high schoolers. We are very proud of the students and advisors who are a part of this important initiative, and we know that these students and educators are helping to empower our precious students by giving them HOPE when they need it the most.