I Love Public Schools I Love Public Schools

Story By:

Kimberly D Remmers

The educator that made a positive influence on my life in two different ways was a superintendent at the time. First, he believed to his core that the classroom teacher was the most important influencer of the district. He continually reflected the praise he received to what we as teachers were doing. He came to the buildings and classrooms regularly to keep in touch with what was happening in the classrooms. He always found ways to uplift something he saw. Secondly, he wanted to keep in touch with what students were thinking. When my daughter was in high school, he would chat with her about what was really happening at the high school level and what were her thoughts. These actions backed up his words of putting his staff and students first. This influenced me through examples showing me how to uplift and support my students. It also was a huge encouragement to know that the administration took the time to recognize and encourage us. He was a leader others want to follow!

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